Thanks for the reply, Felix!
I checked the weather app example and see that it is using class inheritance to pass the temperature data. So that answers my question.
I appreciate the way you combine Redux state management with Stream. To me that seems like the way to go when you have a complicate business state logic and multiple people working on the same code base.
For most apps with straight-forward business logic (by ‘straight-forward’ I mean the states and transitions are simple to understand), using Redux seems like an overkill. With Redux, your entire app state need to be put inside a big state tree. And you also a lot of events / reducer boilerplate code.
If you use Stream only, you can store the partial app state inside a Bloc as one or more member variables. Changing the app state is a matter of changing the values of those variables. I found this pattern solves majority of apps state management issues I saw.